Injuries / Diseases / Fatalities

Injury or Disease:

Any injury or disease resulting from a work-related event or exposure to a noxious substance. Disease, as distinct from a physical injury, results from conditions in the work environment.

Lost Time Claim:

An injury where a worker is compensated by a Board/Commission for a loss of wages following a work-related injury (or exposure to a noxious substance), or receives compensation for a permanent disability with or without any time lost in his or her employment (for example, if a worker is compensated for a loss of hearing resulting from excessive noise in the work place).

NOTE: Ontario and Newfoundland & Labrador do not include claims that receive compensation for a permanent disability without any time lost.


A death resulting from a work-related incident (including disease) that has been accepted for compensation by a Board/Commission.

NOTE: A lost time claim resulting in an accepted fatality is reported as a lost time claim and as a fatality. Fatalities that result from an accepted lost time claim and are accepted outside of the time loss reference period from 1993-2008 may be under-reported as not all jurisdictions captured these fatalities.

Reference Periods

Reference Period – Lost Time Claim:

The standard reference period for reporting a lost time claim is the calendar year; but, the data may have been compiled by a Board/Commission on a fiscal-year basis. This report contains lost time claims by calendar year of injury (or diagnosis in case of a disease) that had been accepted for payment during the year of the accident, or the three-month period immediately following the reference year.

Reference Period – Fatality:

The standard reference period for a fatality is recorded during the year that the claim was accepted as a fatality by a Board/Commission, not the year when the incident causing the death occurred.

Code Variables


Age groups of 5 year periods starting at 15-19 up to 65 and over.

Event or Exposure:

The event or exposure that directly resulted in the injury/disease.


Male, Female.


A group of enterprises (for example, companies or establishments) that are engaged in the same or similar kind of economic activity. Boards/Commissions classify businesses according to their industrial activity for administrative purposes.

Nature of Injury/Disease:

The principal physical characteristics of an injury/disease.


The principal activity a person is engaged in at his or her place of work. The occupation of an injured or ill employee is coded according to the National Occupational Classification.

Part of Body:

The injured/diseased part of body directly affected by an injury/disease.

Source of Injury/Disease:

The object, substance, exposure or bodily motion that directly inflicted the injury/disease.


Not Coded:

“Not Coded” is used when the variable is left blank in a record. The proportion of “Not Coded” data requires consideration, particularly when making comparisons over time.


This code, 99990, is used when there is no information available to code the variable.


Unspecified. UNS codes are used within a code title when there is insufficient detail to code at a more detailed level.


Not elsewhere classified. NEC codes are used within a code title when the information in the source documents does not fit any of the code descriptors provided.