Research Project Summary

Year Funded: 2016 Budget: Funding Agency:
Title: Options for Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Leading Indicators in the Federal Jurisdiction (IWH Project 1162)
Category: Occupational Disease, Injury and Health Services
Subcategory: Occupational Disease
Keywords: organizational policies and practices, prevention
Link to research website:


The Occupational Health and Safety Division of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is partnering with the Institute for Work & Health to develop options for leading indicators in the federal jurisdiction, including implementation options.


•To analyze current Labour Program data to determine availability of leading indicators.
•To lead consultations with internal and external stakeholders on applicability and approach for implementing leading indicators in the federal jurisdiction.
•To identify whether modifications to the IWH-OPM would be necessary to account for specificities in federal jurisdiction industries.
•To provide detailed options and next steps for implementation, reflecting aforementioned consultations with internal and external stakeholders and their effective engagement.

Anticipated Results:

The results of this research are directly relevant to all stakeholders in Canada, including the ESDC, Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee (OHSAC), Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), and Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC).


Ben Amick, Colette Severin