AWCBC celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019!

Centennials are a time to reflect on our history while looking towards the future. Canadian workplaces have changed significantly since...

AWCBC celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019!

Centennials are a time to reflect on our history while looking towards the future. Canadian workplaces have changed significantly since the founding of the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada in 1919. Canada had only recently come out of the First World War, and today our society is so heavily entrenched in a world of technology that workplaces are largely unrecognizable from 100 years ago.

AWCBC was founded as a non-profit organization to facilitate the exchange of information between workers’ compensation boards and commissions, at a time when workers’ compensation law, policy and administration were in their infancy. There were six founding members: Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and New Brunswick. Today, members include every workers’ compensation board/commission in Canada.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of AWCBC provides an opportunity to promote the role that the Association plays as the central source of information related to workers’ compensation in Canada as well as being the national liaison between Boards/Commissions. It also allows the AWCBC to showcase its national vision and mission to a wider audience.

An award that honours special members 

Our anniversary year is also a perfect time to introduce an award that honours special members who have contributed greatly to the Association, and in so doing, to the advancement of workers’ compensation in our country. Over the years, there have been countless members, who through their volunteering have greatly contributed to AWCBC committee work, national policy discussions, shared communications products, the creation of national statistical standards, and the list goes on.

We would like our members to help in nominating a colleague who has gone “above and beyond” in their contribution to the Association. A nominee can be anyone from a behind-the-scenes expert to a member of the AWCBC Board of Directors. Even a colleague you think should be singled out, but has since retired from their position is eligible.

As this award of recognition is new, and forms part of AWCBC’s 100th anniversary celebrations, we welcome several nominations. Selected honorees will be celebrated at 2019 AWCBC events and through the AWCBC e-News.

Deadline for Award Nominations: March 1, 2019

Thank you!

For access to the password-protected Award nomination page, members must have set up an account with their work email address on

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Workers, have you incurred expenses because of your injury? Hang on to your receipts. You may be eligible for reimbursement of expenses such as medical items, prescriptions and travel costs.

It’s Safety Tip Tuesday! 🚍

September is busy with students back in school.

🚸Watch for crossing zones and guards
🛑 Look out for buses with lights on
🏫 Obey speed limits in school zones

Do you work in human resources, payroll, finance or have general questions about the #WorkersCompensation system in #Alberta? Join one of our employer information workshops & get your questions answered from the pros at #WCBAlberta.