The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) is pleased to share that injured workers reported their highest overall service satisfaction with their WCB experience since worker surveys began 20 years ago.
The WCB surveys its two (2) major stakeholder groups – injured workers and employers – on a biannual basis. The first survey was conducted in 2002 which now provides the WCB with significant comparison data to draw from. In 2022, Narrative Research was commissioned to survey injured workers and connected with 387 individuals.

For injured workers, service satisfaction with the overall WCB experience is at its highest recorded level with 74% attesting that they are completely or mostly satisfied with their experience. In addition, the performance index, a composite measure of injured workers’ overall experience with the WCB, now stands at 77.7 points, an increase of 9.2 points since 2002. Overall, 82% of injured workers continue to express high levels of agreement that the WCB understands their needs while 91% agree that they are treated with respect.

“We are pleased to see significant increases in service satisfaction for injured workers in many areas including fairness, promptness, time to receive first benefit payment, and clarity of communications,” said Cheryl Paynter, CEO of the Workers Compensation Board. “Independent stakeholder surveys help us find out what’s working, what’s not working and inform our decision-making for where to direct our improvement efforts. Throughout the organization, there is a strong client-centered focus. These survey results are a testament to this focus and to the professionalism of our team members.”

“Connecting with our stakeholders in an independent and consistent manner is an essential oversight role of the Board and serves to ensure continuous improvement,” said Jim MacPhee, Chair of the Workers Compensation Board. “Results from the 2022 Injured Worker Survey will directly contribute to continuing enhancing our service delivery.”

Survey results and a summary report are available on the WCB website at

The Workers Compensation Board partners with employers and workers in building safe and healthy workplaces and support recovery, if an injury occurs, through the administration of the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Urgent workplace health and safety matters can be reported anytime by calling our 24/7 emergency line at 902-628-7513.
