Homes, facilities, and communities across Nova Scotia are workplaces for home care and long-term care providers. And, new tools for leaders in the sector and a new awareness campaign, Better Safety, Better Care, are focused on the safety and well-being of workers, and their ability to provide safe and healthy care to their clients and residents. WCB Nova Scotia is proud to be a partner with AWARE-NS and government in this work.

New tools help keep care providers safe, healthy, and caring for Nova

Leaders in the long-term care, home care and disability support sectors have more tools to help them keep care providers safe as they do the important work of caring for others. A new Leader Safety Playbook recently launched by AWARE-NS is a comprehensive resource developed for leaders, by leaders to equip them on their journey in safety leadership. Read the news release from AWARE-NS.

Better Safey, Better Care Awareness Campaign

The campaign is a collaborative initiative between the Government of Nova Scotia, WCB Nova Scotia, and AWARE-NS. It features personal stories from care providers and receivers on the importance of building a safety-for-all culture in these sectors. Visit

“WCB Nova Scotia is proud to partner with AWARE-NS and government to reduce injuries and improve safe and timely return to work in these important health care and disability support program sectors. The launch of the Playbook and campaign, and the improvements in safety practices they represent align with our mission to ensure the physical and psychological health and wellbeing of workers across Nova Scotia. By working together, we can create environments where employees feel supported, injuries are minimized, and care can be provided to those who need it most, safely and with confidence and compassion.” ~ Karen Adams, CEO, WCB Nova Scotia, as part of the AWARE-NS news release on March 5.