Progress in injury prevention needs to continue, change is needed in return to work, and service needs to improve – those are the themes of WCB Nova Scotia’s response to the report of the Workers’ Compensation Review Committee.

WCB Chief Executive Officer Karen Adams released the WCB’s official response today.

“The report validates much of the improvement work WCB already has underway. It also expands our understanding of the issues and experiences of workers and employers in the province, further informing how we can focus our efforts in the future,” Adams says.

She adds the WCB welcomes the quick action already taken by introducing new legislation on some measures, including requiring both workers and employers to cooperate when it comes to return to work.

“We’re glad to see government taking immediate action the report’s recommendations, and we will also do our part” Adams says. “Our objectives are fully aligned. Government, WCB, workers and their representatives, employers and their representatives – we all want the same thing: To keep Nova Scotians working, at physically and psychologically safe workplaces.”

Adams notes that the through its Protect More Strategic Plan 2024-2030, the WCB has already started implementing other recommendations from the report.

“While we appreciate the report’s statement that the vast majority of claims are handled well, there are serious issues to be resolved. These include lower worker benefits than other provinces, higher employer rates, inconsistent and slow service, insufficient communication with employers and workers, and an unnecessarily complex system that is difficult to navigate.”

She adds that the WCB welcomes the other changes in the report not in its direct operational control, such as expanding coverage and improving benefits.

“We respectfully suggest alternative perspectives in some areas, which are immaterial to the major opportunities presented in the more significant recommendations,” Adams says.

“These are shared with a view to efficiency, and with the intent to support moving the improvements to the system that are so deeply needed forward in the most expedient way possible."


Alignment, Opportunity and a Call to Action: WCB Nova Scotia’s Response to System Review

Workers’ Compensation System Review Report

More Info:WCB Nova Scotia