St. John’s, NL – WorkplaceNL’s 2023-25 Strategic Plan was tabled last week in the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly. The three-year plan focuses on building healthy and safe workplaces; return to work and recovery after a work-related injury or illness; and growing strategic partnerships.

Activities under the plan include: implementing new education tools, identifying key performance measures, enhancing individualized return-to-work and recovery approaches, and working with partners to inform program and service delivery changes.

Progress each year will be reported in WorkplaceNL’s Annual Performance Report.

“Our purpose is to improve the quality of life of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador through safe workplaces and support for our clients – we know we cannot do that alone,” said John Peddle, Chair, WorkplaceNL Board of Directors. “I thank our many partners and stakeholders for their feedback as we consulted to develop this strategic plan, and look forward to continued and new partnerships as we collectively move forward.”

Peddle added, “Our Board remains committed to ensuring that the workplace injury compensation system provides benefits to injured workers and coverage for employers for years to come. Strategic efforts over the next three years will test new approaches and tap into partnerships to mitigate rising claim duration and costs – and more importantly, reduce the impacts of workplace injury and illness on workers, families, employers and communities.”

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Learn more
2023-2025 Strategic Plan

About WorkplaceNL

Serving approximately 230,000 workers and 17,500 employers, WorkplaceNL administers an employer-funded, no-fault workers’ compensation system that promotes safe and healthy workplaces, provides return-to-work programs and provides compensation to injured workers and their dependents.

Media contact:
Carla Riggs, Director of Marketing and Communications
709.778.1590 or


By December 31, 2025, WorkplaceNL will have:

  • Concentrated efforts to impact the safety culture of workplaces; specifically:
  • Advanced programs and services that promote safe workplaces.
  • Supported workplaces to foster better health and safety outcomes.
  • Modified delivery approaches that support return-to-work and recovery from workplace injuries; specifically:
  • Launched initiatives to support safe and effective recovery from injuries.
  • Streamlined business processes that support recovery and return to work.
  • Strengthened partnerships with organizations, industries and employers to improve programs and services, specifically:
  • Supported collaboration with partners, industries and employers.
  • Enhanced partnerships and consultation efforts to inform program and service delivery change.

    Source: workplacenl