A Message from WorkSafeNB’s President and CEO

Because WorkSafeNB’s vision is Making New Brunswick the safest place to work, we are proud to support Safety and Health Week, May 6-11 this year.Safety and Health Week promotes the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community. At the end of the day, we work safely so we can come home to our family and friends.

Together, we can prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, death and disability.

I ask you to be a leader in health and safety at your workplace and encourage your colleagues to do the same. A workplace injury or occupational disease affects not only the employee who is hurt or becomes ill, it affects their families, their co-workers and the wider community. That’s why workplace health and safety should be more than an idea or task, it should become our passion.

I wish you all a happy Safety and Health week. I hope you make safety a habit and inspire others to do the same. Thank you for your commitment to Making New Brunswick the safest place to work.

Tim Petersen, President and CEO, WorkSafeNB