NIOSH: Climate Change and Health Effects on Workers
The potential health effects of climate change on workers is now available in a new report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program. According to the report, climate change may increase the severity and prevalence of known occupational hazards, as well as the development of new haza
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →CSA Mental Health Standard – Best Practices
“In any given week, 500,000 Canadians will not make it to work because of a mental health problem or illness. Forty-one companies across Canada are tackling this head on. To promote positive mental health among all employees, these companies are implementing CSA Z1003, Psychological H
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →IWH: Shift workers more likely to have longer recovery times
A new study by the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) suggests that, not only are shift workers at greater risk of work injury, they are more likely to have a harder time recovering should an injury occur. For more information on this study and its findings, see the IWH’s website a
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
For more information and resources for improving and addressing mental health in the workplace, visit Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace’s website at: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Long term shift work linked to impaired brain power
A study from Swansea University (and other European universities) indicates long term shift work could be linked to impaired brain power including memory and brain processing speed. According to its author, the “study shows the long term effects of shift work on the body clock are not
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Risk of work injury linked to night, evening shifts still high after switching to days
A recent Institute for Work & Health (IWH) study looks at the effects of moving from nighttime and weekend shift work to more regular daytime hours and finds even after moving to daytime work there may be an increased risk of work-related injury. Find out more on IWH’s website at:
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Gender/Sex, Work and Health
The Institute of Gender and Health, part of Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), is examining the relationship of gender and sex on work and health. CIHR has awarded nine research chairs including the following topics: Gender, work and health human resources Gender, work and
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →National Mental Health Strategy for Canada – Mental Health Commission of Canada
The Mental Health Commission of Canada released its mental health strategy for Canada. See the strategy at Changing Directions, Changing Lives: The Mental Health Strategy for Canada Unveiled.
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Nanoparticles and Autoimmune Diseases – Study
A study by Trinity College Dublin links exposure to nanoparticles to rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. See OHS Insider’s article New Study Warns of Tie Between Nanoparticles & Autoimmune Diseases.
Continue Reading →Continuer la lecture →Diabetes – Work environment may put women at risk of diabetes – IWH/ICES study
According to a study by the Institute for Work & Health and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences “women with low job control at work are twice as likely to develop diabetes compared to women with high job control, according to a nine-year study.” See IWH̵
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