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AWCBC Cross Country Check-In | Panel Discussion on Claims Adjudication Experiences During COVID-19
Workers, have you incurred expenses because of your injury? Hang on to your receipts. You may be eligible for reimbursement of expenses such as medical items, prescriptions and travel costs.
It’s Safety Tip Tuesday! 🚍
September is busy with students back in school.
🚸Watch for crossing zones and guards
🛑 Look out for buses with lights on
🏫 Obey speed limits in school zones
Do you work in human resources, payroll, finance or have general questions about the #WorkersCompensation system in #Alberta? Join one of our employer information workshops & get your questions answered from the pros at #WCBAlberta.
Workers, have you incurred expenses because of your injury? Hang on to your receipts. You may be eligible for reimbursement of expenses such as medical items, prescriptions and travel costs.
It’s Safety Tip Tuesday! 🚍
September is busy with students back in school.
🚸Watch for crossing zones and guards
🛑 Look out for buses with lights on
🏫 Obey speed limits in school zones
Do you work in human resources, payroll, finance or have general questions about the #WorkersCompensation system in #Alberta? Join one of our employer information workshops & get your questions answered from the pros at #WCBAlberta.