The Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC) produces these statistics for the National Work Injury/Disease Statistics Program (NWISP).
Data provided by the AWCBC in response to data requests will be supplied in Excel spreadsheets.
Data Considerations
a. Data Source and Coding
NWISP source data originates from data submitted to the AWCBC by the twelve Canadian Workers’ Compensation Boards/Commissions (WCBs). All variables are coded by the WCBs, not AWCBC. Coding practices may vary between jurisdictions.
b. Definitions
NWISP data is based on nationally accepted Definitions that may not be the same as statistics published in WCB annual reports.
c. Data Included in NWISP
NWISP publishes lost time claims and fatalities accepted for compensation by WCBs. Certain industries, occupations or types of injuries/diseases may not be compulsorily covered in a jurisdiction, and therefore would not be included in NWISP data.
d. Additional Data Considerations
For a more comprehensive overview of considerations that may impact data comparisons and analysis, see Data Considerations.
Source / Interpretation
a. Acknowledgement of Source
The source of the data must be acknowledged if used in any other publication.
Source: Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), National Work Injury/Disease Statistics Program (NWISP), publication title or date of data extraction.
b. Interpretation
Any interpretations of AWCBC data made by the user must be stated as being those of the user and not the AWCBC or any of its member Boards or Commissions.