Workers’ Compensation Legislation & Policy

Below you can find tables summarizing Legislation and Policy at each Workers’ Compensation Board / Commission in Canada. 

Acts / Regulations / Schedules
Regulations / Schedules to Workers’ Compensation Legislation

This table lists all workers’ compensation Acts, regulations and schedules for each jurisdiction and provides links to each Act, regulation and schedule. Last update January 19, 2024
Who is Responsible for OH&S
Occupational Health and Safety: Who is responsible for OH&S and Effective Date

These tables identify whether the government or the Workers’ Compensation Board/Commission (WCB) is responsible for occupational health and safety (OH&S) in each province and territory. | Last update May 18, 2021
Board of Directors and Governance
Board of Directors – Summary of Board Structure and Composition

These tables outline the structure and composition of the Board of Directors at each of the provincial and territorial WCBs. Last update January 17 2024
Interjurisdictional Agreement
AWCBC Fact Sheet: The Interjurisdictional Agreement (IJA)
Canadian provincial and territorial Workers’ Compensation Boards have signed an agreement to act together in assisting employees and employers who perform work in more than one jurisdiction.
Interjurisdictional Agreement (IJA)
Click here to view the Interjurisdictional Agreement (IJA) on workers' compensation.
Review / Appeal Bodies, Policy, Process and Procedures

These tables identify the external and internal appeal bodies in each jurisdiction and provide links to policy, legislation and additional resources for appeal information. Last update April 2024
Compensation Principles and Presumptions
Compensation Principles and Presumptions

This table describes general presumptions in workers’ compensation legislation and policy including: misconduct, ‘out of or in the course of’, and if a worker is found deceased at work. Last update April 2024
Firefighter Presumptions

Firefighter Presumptions

Currently being updated.
Occupational Disease / Industrial Disease
Occupational Disease – Definitions, Policy, Schedules, Regulations and Legislation

Currently being updated.
Reporting an Injury/Disease
Summary Requirements for Reporting an Injury/Disease

These tables describe the requirements for reporting an injury or disease to the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission for workers, dependants, employers and healthcare providers. | Last updated January 17, 2024
Scope of Coverage
Scope of Coverage - Industries/Occupations

These tables outline how workers’ compensation coverage is determined in each province and territory. | Last updated January 17, 2024

Legislation and Policy Links

For links to legislation and policy in each province and territory, see Boards/Commissions.

Interjurisdictional Inquiries:

For claims:

Please contact the Board/Commission:
(1) where the injury occurred;
(2) where the employer is registered; and/or
(3) where the worker resides.

For international businesses wanting WCB coverage in Canada:

Please contact the Board/Commission:
(1) where the worker will be working; and/or
(2) where the worker resides.

For more information, see Interjurisdictional Agreement, Fact Sheet and Inquiries