WorkSafe Nova Scotia: New Resources Available to Employers for GPI

WorkSafe Nova scotia
The latest edition of Safe and Secure is now available. In this edition, you’ll find a link to our new RTW toolkits for workers and employers, which offer step-by-step advice on how to achieve safe and timely return to work after physical and psychological injury.
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Nova Scotia’s workplace injury rate improved last year

WorkSafe Nova scotia
HALIFAX, NS: Released during national Safety and Health Week, WCB Nova Scotia’s Impact of Workplace Injury Report for 2023 shows continued improvement in the long-term trend of workplace injury’s impact.
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WCB Nova Scotia looks to the future with historically low injury rate, expanded supports

WorkSafe Nova scotia
Halifax, NS – Fewer Nova Scotians are getting injured at work than ever before.
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Robert Patzelt has been reappointed as a member and Deputy Chair of the WCB Nova Scotia Board of Directors

WorkSafe Nova scotia
The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration, has reappointed Robert Patzelt, Q.C., ICD.D, as a member and Deputy Chair of the WCB Nova Scotia Board of Directors.
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October 24, 2023

October 24, 2023 Nova Scotia to cover gradual onset stress under Workers’ Compensation Act –
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Government announces legislation to include gradual onset stress by September 1, 2024

WorkSafe Nova scotia
Today, the Nova Scotia government announced that gradual onset stress will be compensable under the Workers’ Compensation Act, effective September 1, 2024.
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