WCB PEI: Asbestos management requires specific safety measures

As the post-tropical storm Fiona clean up continues, the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) reminds employers and workers that they are...

WCB PEI: Asbestos management requires specific safety measures

As the post-tropical storm Fiona clean up continues, the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) reminds employers and workers that they are required to follow the specific safety measures related to asbestos management. Asbestos is a strong, fire-resistant mineral fibre. While asbestos is no longer used in residential and commercial building construction, it can still be found when renovating, restoring and demolishing older buildings.

In Prince Edward Island, Occupational Health and Safety regulations require asbestos to be identified and abated in a safe manner whenever renovation, restoration or a demolition project is undertaken. This work needs to be performed by a qualified asbestos abatement contractor, after having obtained an Asbestos Notification Permit from the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the WCB. These regulations apply to Island based and non-Island based companies when the work is being conducted in PEI.

“Asbestos is dangerous because when it is released in the air without appropriate precautions, it can be inhaled. Once inhaled, it can cause inflammation in the lungs, scar tissue and escalate into more serious and long-term health issues,” said Danny Miller, Director of Occupational Health and Safety. “The WCB supports employers and workers by providing up-to-date information on asbestos management and useful resources which can be found on our website.”

The WCB would also like to remind all Islanders that urgent workplace health and safety matters can be reported anytime by calling its Occupational Health and Safety emergency line at 902-628-7513. This emergency line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including during statutory holidays.


Asbestos Management Guide: http://www.wcb.pe.ca/DocumentManagement/Document/pub_guidetoasbestosmanagement.pdf

Asbestos Prevention Update: http://www.wcb.pe.ca/DocumentManagement/Document/pub_asbestoshazardspreventionupdate.pdf

Asbestos Notification Permit:  http://www.wcb.pe.ca/DocumentManagement/Document/frm_asbestosnotificationpermit.pdf

List of Occupational Health and Safety Providers:  http://www.wcb.pe.ca/DocumentManagement/Document/pub_ohsserviceproviders.pdf

Aussi disponible en français.


Media Contact:
WCB Communications
902-894-0362 or news@wcb.pe.ca
Source: WCB PEI 

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