The WCB requests your feedback on proposed amendments to the Workers Compensation Act and General Regulations to enhance worker benefits.
These amendments will:
- Enhance the current benefit rate for injured workers.
- Increase the current Consumer Price Index (CPI) cap on annual cost of living increases for Extended Wage Loss (EWL), pension and survivor benefits recipients.
- Adjust the current maximum assessable earnings level to better reflect current average wages in PEI.
- Increase lump sum and burial expense benefits paid as a result of a workplace fatality.
The proposed enhancements are in keeping with the WCB’s commitment to providing fair and comprehensive compensation to Island workers, and continue the trend of incremental benefit increases over the past decade. At the same time, the WCB has been able to provide additional savings to Island employers through regular rate reductions and surplus distributions. All of this has been made possible by the WCB’s healthy financial position, a result of an overall reduction in claims costs and strong investment returns.
More details about the proposed changes, as well as the online feedback form, are available here
902-894-0362 or