Four board appointments include the reappointment of the chair, the reappointment of a full-time and part-time board member, and new appointment of a part-time member.

Regina, Sask., March 6, 2024 – The Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is pleased to announce the next term board appointees to serve the workers and employers of the province. All members are appointed by the provincial government to carry forward the viewpoints of workers and employers.

“We are very pleased to welcome back Larry Flowers as a full-time member representing employers and Judy Henley as a full-time member representing labour,” said Gord Dobrowolsky, reappointed chair of the WCB. “Their knowledge and expertise will continue to be a great asset to our organization and in turn will benefit our customers, the workers and employers of Saskatchewan. I am also pleased to welcome Dion Malakoff as a part-time board member representing labour.” These board appointees join part-time board member Jack Brodsky whose appointment is set to expire in 2026.

The board provides policy direction, adjudicates final appeals and rules on rights of action while representing the viewpoints of workers and employers.

Gord Dobrowolsky is reappointed for a five-year term and will continue to serve a chair of the board. From Prince Albert, Dobrowolsky has extensive board experience, having served as the vice-chair of the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Licensing Commission, a member of the Saskatchewan Executive Council for six years and the chair of the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region for four years. Dobrowolsky also served as a volunteer board member for six years on the Victoria Hospital Foundation in Prince Albert.

Larry Flowers, who is from Saskatoon, was reappointed as a full-time board member as the WCB employer representative for four years. Flowers brings strong and varied business experience to the board, which includes work in the agriculture, manufacturing, mining, finance and non-profit sectors. Since 1989, Flowers has worked as an internal and external business strategist, implementing strategic human resources, training, safety and business solutions.

Judy Henley was appointed as a part-time board member in 2022 and is reappointed for four years as a full-time board member representing labour. Henley brings to the WCB a wealth of experience in local, provincial and national leadership roles. As a health-care worker and member of CUPE 5430, she has been active in CUPE since 1985. Having served in many leadership roles within CUPE at the local, provincial and national levels, she also spent 20 years as secretary-treasurer of CUPE Saskatchewan. In 2020, Henley was elected as the new president of the Saskatchewan division of CUPE. Henley was a member of the 2016 Committee of Review. She has extensive board experience relating to investments, pensions and benefits.

Dion Malakoff is new to the WCB and has been appointed as a part-time board member for four years as a labour representative. Malakoff has extensive experience and was appointed as the executive director of the Saskatchewan Provincial Building and Constructions Trades Council in 2017. The Saskatchewan Building Trades is composed of affiliated unions representing organized construction workers in the province. Malakoff entered the Canadian Boilermaker apprenticeship program in 2000 and became a journeyman in 2003. He has worked as a welder/fitter, foreman and general foreman prior to joining the staff at Boilermakers Local 555 where he was a business representative and then assistant business manager. During this time, he was involved with training and labour-management relations. Malakoff has recent WCB experience as a member of the 2022 Committee of Review.

“As a board, we are committed to ensuring that all governance structures and activities reflect sound governance principles,” said Dobrowolsky. “We welcome our two former board members and our new board member, and look forward to the insights that they will bring to the board.”

All board members are appointed by the provincial government and ensure a strong governance framework for the WCB. They provide strategic direction to leadership, and effective oversight of financial and operational performance. Board members also approve policies, oversee risk management and engage with customers and partners. The full-time board members perform their appeals and adjudicative function.

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with the board which provides an important oversight function for the WCB,” said the WCB’s CEO Phillip Germain. “Together with our staff and leadership teams, we will continue striving to achieve our vision to eliminate injuries and restore abilities.”

The WCB is an independent board that is legislated to administer Saskatchewan’s no-fault workplace insurance system under The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the Act), which came into force on Jan. 1, 2014. The WCB follows the Meredith Principles, and the Act establishes the legislative framework within which employers in industries and occupations covered by the Act pay premiums to the board to provide guaranteed benefits and programs to workers. In exchange, covered employers are protected from lawsuits related to workplace injuries.