To ensure workplaces have documented their risk assessment and risk mitigation measures consistent with Public Health guidance and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations, all employers must develop a written COVID-19 operational plan.
You must comply with the provisions of the Mandatory Order.
You do not need to submit the operational plan to WorkSafeNB. Individual COVID-19 operational plans will not be reviewed or approved by WorkSafeNB or Public Health. However, plans will need to be produced during inspections or if a complaint is made and an investigation follows by one of the regulatory bodies.
This template may serve as a starting point for your COVID-19 operational plan. It helps guide you through some of the key areas to consider when assessing the risk surrounding the safe opening and continued operations of your workplace. Additional guidance from an industry association may also be available to help you address industry- or workplace-specific needs.
If you operate across various provinces, requirements specific to New Brunswick must be included in your plan.
Just as viruses can mutate, guidelines related to COVID-19 can change. As an employer, you’re responsible for keeping up to date on current guidelines and for changing your plans as required. Refer to New Brunswick Public Health and WorkSafeNB websites for updates that may affect your workplace.
The template is also available in an editable Word format. This document and linked resources are also available in French.
Both WorkSafeNB and the Province of New Brunswick have guides for developing and managing a COVID-19 operational plan.
- Embracing the New Normal As We Safely Return to Work (WorkSafeNB)
- COVID-19 Operational Plan Guide (Province of New Brunswick)
Source: WorkSafeNB