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  • Year Funded: 2022

    Respiratory Protective Equipment: Development of an Easy Method to Detect and Locate Leaks and Assess the Fit of the Faceseal Using Infrared Imaging

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    Équipement de protection des voies respiratoires, dispositif d’étanchéité faciale, Imagerie infrarouge
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Social Inequalities in Personal Care Workers’ Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors

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    Inégalités sociales, Préposé.es aux soins personnels, Perturbateurs endocriniens
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Acceptability, Acceptance and Assessment of Exoskeletons in the Agri-Food Sector: An Interdisciplinary Approach

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    troubles musculosquelettiques, exosquelettes
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Reducing Worker Exposure to Bioaerosols at Wastewater Treatment Plants

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    Bioaerosols, Usines de traitement des eaux usées
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Development of a New Technique for Evaluating the Spatiotemporal Dispersion and Scrubbing Kinetics of Aerosols in the Workplace

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    Dispersion spatio-temporelle, Cinétique des aérosols, Lieux de travail
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Promoting the Use of Human Neutrophils to Improve Current Experimental Procedures Intended to Ensure Safer Nanoparticle Use in the Workplace

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    nanoparticules, neutrophiles
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Radon in the Workplace: Assessment of Exposure and Estimation of the Radiation Dose

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    Radon, cancer pulmonaire professionnel
  • Year Funded: 2022

    A Multi-centre Prospective Cohort Study of Surgically Treated Displaced Mid-diaphyseal Clavicle Fractures

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    Fractures de la clavicule, clavicule, fixation par double plaque, résultats fonctionnels, retour au travail
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Understanding knee OA pain through brain neurochemistry in working-age total knee replacement patients

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    Douleur, neurochimie, douleur chronique, arthroplastie totale du genou, arthrose
  • Year Funded: 2022

    The Impact of Using an Evidence-Based Shoulder Clinical Pathway for WCB Patients with Rotator Cuff Related Pathology

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    Coiffe des rotateurs, épaule, protocole clinique fondé sur des données probantes, données probantes, décisions de traitement
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Evaluation of Evidence-Based Interventions for Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears Within a Best Evidence Synthesis Framework

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    Coiffe des rotateurs, déchirures partielles de la coiffe des rotateurs, épaule, traitement, données probantes
  • Year Funded: 2022

    Rapid Review and Recommendations on Telehealth Treatments of Psychological Disorders

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    Télésanté, trouble psychologique, traitement psychologique, santé mentale, examen de la documentation, prestation de service à distance
  • Year Funded: 2021

    Resources for the prevention and treatment of work-related traumatic psychological injuries

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    Lésion traumatique psychologique, LTP, SSPT, trouble dépressif majeur, évaluation de traitement, revue systématique, transfert des connaissances, prevention
  • Year Funded: 2021

    Examination of the Trauma Symptom Inventory – 2 validity scales for assessment of work-related trauma disorders

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    Lésions traumatiques psychologiques, LTP, TSI-2, evaluation, validité, évaluation psychologique
  • Year Funded: 2021

    Dynamic CT Quantification of Ankle Kinematics Following Posterior Malleolus Fixation of Ankle Fractures

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    cheville, syndesmose, CT dynamique, résultats, fixation de la malléole postérieure, mauvaise réduction
  • Year Funded: 2020

    Developing resources for the prevention and treatment of work-related traumatic psychological injuries

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    Troubles psychologiques traumatiques, TPT, TSPT, DDM, évaluation du traitement, examen systématique, transfert de connaissances, prevention
  • Year Funded: 2020

    Dynamic CT to determine normal syndesmosis motion and compare motion after static and dynamic fixation of syndesmotic injuries

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    fractures de la cheville, syndesmose, tomodensitométrie dynamique, comparer le mouvement, résultats
  • Year Funded: 2020

    Investigating instances of concordant versus discordant validity of the Behavioural Health Inventory-2, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2- Restructured Form and Word Memory Test

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    évaluation psychologique, complète, neuropsychologique, TPI, BHI-2, MMPI-2-RF, WMT, auto-rapport, mesures de validité, test
  • Year Funded: 2020

    Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Utilizing Mechanical Bone Debridement vs Coblation Debridement: A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Trial

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    Coiffe des rotateurs, débridement mécanique des os, débridement par coblation, QuickDASH, arthroscopique
  • Year Funded: 2017

    Can HR-pQCT Be Used to Assess Fracture Healing for Earlier Rehabilitation in Stable Distal Radius Fractures?

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    Radius distal, consolidation de fracture, HR-pQCT, réadaptation, soins fondés sur des données probantes
  • Year Funded: 2017

    A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Three Methods of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction: Patellar Tendon, Quadruple Semitendinosus/Gracilis and Double-Bundle Semitendinosus/Gracilis Grafts – 10 Year Follow-Up

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    Ligament croisé antérieur (LCA), greffe du tendon rotulien, du tendon du semi-tendineux/ Gracili quadruple et du tendon du semi-tendineux/Gracili double faisceau, essai clinique randomisé
  • Year Funded: 2017

    Comparison of CT and Arthroscopy for Determining On/Off Track Hill-Sachs Lesions

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    Lésions de Malgaigne, test d’appréhension osseuse, tomodensitogramme, arthroscopie, rebord de la glène
  • Year Funded: 2017

    The Impact of Residual Deformity on Outcome after Calcaneous Fractures

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    Calcanéum, tomodensitogramme de mise en charge, difformité calcanéenne, résultats fonctionnels
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Identification of Neuroimaging-Based Biomarkers in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    PTSD, bio-markers, return to work, Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Year Funded: 2016

    A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Low-Intensity, Pulsed Ultrasound to Placebo in the Treatment of Operatively Managed Scaphoid Non-Unions (Part II)

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    Scaphoid non-union, low intensity pulsed ultrasound, LIPU, treatment, recovery
  • Year Funded: 2016

    PrEvention of Post-Traumatic ContRactures with Ketotifen – PERK (Continuation of research titled: Investigations of Mechanisms and Treatment in Post-Traumatic Joint Contractures)

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    Joint contractures, Ketotifen, randomized clinical trial, treatment, return to work
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Novel Surgical Options for Challenging Joint Injuries

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    Prospective controlled randomized interventional trial, osteochondral injury, joint injury, outcomes
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Adverse Events Associated with Medium and Long-Term Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: An Overview of Cochrane Reviews

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    opioids, high-dose opioids, evidence-based decision making, adverse events, systematic review
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Graft Reconstruction for “Irreparable” Rotator Cuff Tears: Superior Capsule Reconstruction vs. Tendon Repair with Graft Bridging

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    Rotator cuff injury, irreparable tears, superior capsule reconstruction, randomized controlled trial, surgical treatment
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Incidence of Work-Related Aggression and Violence in Canada (IWH Project 1350)

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    work injury
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Employer Investments in Occupational Health and Safety: Establishing Benchmarks for Ontario (IWH Project 1345)

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    economic evaluation, occupational health and safety, work injury
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Implementation of Workplace Violence Legislation in the Ontario Acute Healthcare Sector (IWH Project 1355)

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    health-care, organizational policies and practices, work injury
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Options for Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Leading Indicators in the Federal Jurisdiction (IWH Project 1162)

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    organizational policies and practices, prevention
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Work-related traffic accidents: what about pedestrians?

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    Work-related traffic accidents, pedestrians
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Towards the application of a biomechanical model of the shoulder to estimate exposure to physical risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace

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    musculoskeletal disorders, workplace
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Evaluating unintentional occupational exposure to nanometric particles

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    occupational exposure, nanometric particles
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Multiplication of bicycle delivery services and health and safety issues of working cyclists: developing good practices

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    bicycle courier industry, health, safety risks
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Development of a microphone antenna incorporating an optical system to identify the position of the noisiest sound sources in an industrial setting

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    deafness, hearing loss, abating noise at source, IRSST
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Characterization of emissions from bitumen with polyamine antistripping additives

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    bitumen, polyamine antistripping additives, IRRST
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Evaluating winter work shoes: comparison of methods for determining slip resistance on icy surfaces

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    winter work shoes, slip resistance, icy surface, IRSST
  • Year Funded: 2016

    Using PPE to prevent skin exposure to pesticides: identifying factors facilitating and hindering the use of skin protection clothing by Québec apple producers

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    skin protection, exposure to pesticides, IRSST
  • Year Funded: 2015

    Effectiveness and Safety of High Dose Opioid Therapy in WCB Alberta Claimants

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    opioids, claimants, high-dose opioids, practice recommendations, Pain
  • Year Funded: 2015

    A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Three Methods of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction: Patellar Tendon, Quadruple Semitendinosus/Gracilis and Double-Bundle Semitendinosus/Gracilis Grafts – Long Term Follow-Up

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    Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), patellar tendon, quadruple semitendinosus/gracilis grafts, double-bundle semitendinosus/gracilis grafts, RCT
  • Year Funded: 2015

    Osteoarthritis and Work: A Systematic Review (IWH Project 3185)

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    systematic review, occupational disease
  • Year Funded: 2015

    Enhancing Community Participation in Canadians with Physical Disabilities: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Partnered Strategy (IWH Project 2255)

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    work disability
  • Year Funded: 2015

    Support to the Construction Action Plan (IWH Project 1320)

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    epidemiology, systematic review, vulnerable workers
  • Year Funded: 2015

    Determinants of Health and Safety in Ontario’s Construction Sector (1256)

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    organizational policies and practices, work injury
  • Year Funded: 2014

    Determining the Influence that the WCB of Manitoba’s Opioid Policy has had on Prescription Opioid Use amongst WCB Recipients

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    opioids, return to work, physician prescribing patterns, pain management
  • Year Funded: 2014

    Intervening in the Transportation Sector to Reduce Driver Fatigue, Low Back Pain, Discomfort and Increase Vehicle Safety

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    truck drivers, trucking industry, whole body vibration
  • Year Funded: 2014

    Determinants of Health and Safety in Ontario’s Construction Sector (IWH Project 1256)

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    evaluation, work injury, prevention, work disability

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