Nouvelles de nos membres

  • La CNESST rappelle les nouveaux ajustements aux mesures sanitaires, en vigueur dès demain dans les milieux de travail 13 mai 2022

    La Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) rappelle, à la veille de leur entrée en vigueur, les nouveaux ajustements aux mesures sanitaires dans les milieux de travail.

    À compter du 14 mai 2022, le port du masque de qualité ne sera plus obligatoire, mis à part dans les transports et les milieux de soins. Le port du masque demeure bien sûr permis et, par précaution, il reste recommandé, par exemple lors d’interactions avec des personnes à risque ou pour les tâches nécessitant un rassemblement de personnes dans un espace restreint.

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  • Saskatchewan WCB’s 2022 Compensation Institute agenda includes workplace mental health, addiction and resiliency 12 mai 2022

    Mental health, addiction and resiliency are prevalent in many workplaces in Saskatchewan and across the country. Joe Roberts has struggled with both, but in less than 12 years, he went from being homeless to being a celebrated CEO on the cover of Canadian Business.

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  • WCB Nova Scotia: Looking back 30 years, ahead to a safer workplace (May 9/22) 9 mai 2022

    The opinion editorial below from Ava Czapalay, deputy minister, Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, and Stuart MacLean, CEO, WCB Nova Scotia, appeared in Saltwire publications today.

    There are some things in life that you notice most for their absence.

    Workplace safety is one of them. When a workplace safety program is not in place, we all know the tragic outcomes that can occur.

    Last week was Safety and Health Week, a time when we highlight the importance of bringing safety talks into the public light as a matter of routine practice.

    The first week of May is set aside to focus on workplace health and safety, and renew our commitment. You’ll see, from the statistics released this year, that while we have made progress, we still have work to do.

    Together, we challenge Nova Scotians to make workplace health a priority — this past week, and always.

    There are two anniversaries that make this year’s health and safety week particularly poignant in Nova Scotia.

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  • WCB Nova Scotia: Province Marks 30th Anniversary of Westray Mine Disaster (May 9/22) 9 mai 2022

    Province Marks 30th Anniversary of Westray Mine Disaster. 

    Three decades have passed since an explosion at a mine in Plymouth, Pictou County, killed 26 workers. Today, May 9, Nova Scotians will gather to mark the 30th anniversary of the Westray disaster.

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  • WCB Nova Scotia: New Podcast Launches – WorkShift hosted by Stuart MacLean (May 9/22) 9 mai 2022

    Connecting with safety leaders to influence best practice approaches that prevent injuries and support safe and timely return to work is the main thrust behind WCB Nova Scotia’s ongoing strategic outreach activities. Up until now, most of these conversations happened one-on-one, virtually or in person. This week, the WCB will ramp up our efforts to reach more safety leaders, with the launch of our new podcast.

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  • Six conférences à ne pas manquer pour être au courant des tendances en prévention 5 mai 2022

    Les Grandes Rencontres CNESST du 31 mai au 16 juin 2022

    Puisque s’informer et s’outiller en matière de prévention est un incontournable, la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) convie employeurs, travailleurs et travailleuses aux Grandes Rencontres CNESST.

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  • PEI Student Places Second at National Safety Video Contest 5 mai 2022

    The Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I. is pleased to announce that Kiera Sharpley, a grade 10 student from Charlottetown Rural, has claimed second place in the national Focus on Safety Youth Video Contest.

    The video contest challenged youth across the country to use their creativity to produce an original video that could be used in social media to illustrate to younger workers the importance of health and safety at work.

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  • Semaine de la sécurité et de la santé 2022 Le 2 mai 2022 – Message du vice-président à la Prévention par intérim, Travail sécuritaire NB 2 mai 2022

    Puisque la vision de Travail sécuritaire NB est de faire du Nouveau-Brunswick l’endroit le plus sécuritaire où travailler, nous sommes fiers d’appuyer la Semaine de la sécurité et de la santé, qui se déroulera du 1er au 7 mai cette année.

    La Semaine rappelle l’importance de la prévention des blessures et des maladies au lieu de travail, à la maison et dans la communauté. En fin de compte, nous travaillons en toute sécurité afin que nous puissions rentrer à la maison auprès de notre famille et de nos amis à la fin de la journée.

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  • Long-term workplace safety culture continues to build in Nova Scotia 2 mai 2022

    WCB to increase focus on ensuring both physically and psychologically healthy workplaces

    Nova Scotians spent less time off the job due to workplace injury in 2021 than the year before, but getting hurt at work still takes far too great a toll, accounting for 2,955 person-years of work lost to workplace injury, according to WCB Nova Scotia.

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  • WorkplaceNL seeking public input for 2023-2025 strategic plan 29 avril 2022

    WorkplaceNL invites input from the public on important strategic issues impacting workers, injured workers, employers and the workplace compensation system as it develops its 2023-2025 strategic plan.

    Strategic issues have a direct impact on how WorkplaceNL can ensure a balance between fair compensation for injured workers, the financial interest of employers who fund the system, and long-term system sustainability.

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