Assessment rates announced at YWCHSB annual information meeting reflect Yukon’s performance in workplace safety

Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB) held its annual information meeting today. The Board discussed operational highlights and the financial performance from the previous year, as outlined in the 2020 Annual Report. The report was released in May of this year.
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Travail sécuritaire NB annonce les taux de cotisation pour 2022

Le taux de cotisation moyen pour 2022 connaîtra une réduction importante grâce à la diminution du nombre d’accidents du travail; à de meilleurs résultats en matière de réadaptation et de retour au travail; ainsi qu’à l’amélioration de la situation financière de Travail sécuritaire NB,
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WorkSafeBC: Inspection reports now available online

Worksafe BC
WorkSafeBC inspections are an important part of ensuring health and safety in B.C. workplaces. During an inspection, a prevention officer will inspect your workplace and assess safe work practices in accordance with the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety (
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Accessing WorkSafeBC services and keeping workers safe during the wildfires

Worksafe BC
B.C. has declared a provincial state of emergency due to wildfires. WorkSafeBC encourages workers and employers to take steps to ensure they are able to continue accessing our services, and stay healthy and safe during this time.
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WorkSafeBC’s preliminary average premium base rate to remain unchanged in 2022

Worksafe BC
Fifth straight year with flat average base rate, consistent with WorkSafeBC’s goal of keeping rates stable Richmond, B.C. — WorkSafeBC announced today that the preliminary average base rate for 2022 will remain unchanged at 1.55 percent of employers’ assessable payroll. This will be t
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WorkSafeBC: Extensions of coverage for the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s work experience programs

Worksafe BC
On March 30, 2021, WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors approved amendments to three existing extensions of coverage under section 7(2)(b) of the Workers Compensation Act (Act) for work experience programs administered by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
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WorkSafeNB launches fall protection blitz

At WorkSafeNB, we know that falls continue to be a leading cause of serious workplace injuries in New Brunswick. We also know employers care about their employees’ well-being…and so do we.
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WCB Nova Scotia: Safe + Secure: Keeping young workers safe this summer

The latest issue of our Safe + Secure e-newsletter is now available, with a special focus on keeping Nova Scotia’s young workers safe as more of them enter the workforce in the summer months.
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CNESST : Le gouvernement privilégie un retour graduel des employés dans les milieux de travail à compter de septembre

Bien que le télétravail ne soit plus obligatoire, mais recommandé dans le contexte épidémiologique actuel, le gouvernement privilégie un retour graduel dans les milieux de travail public et privé, et ce, dans le respect des mesures sanitaires. Voilà l’un des messages véhiculés aujourd
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Travail sécuritaire NB : Élimination de la période d’attente non payée

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer l’élimination de la période d’attente de trois jours non payée pour les travailleurs blessés et malades au Nouveau-Brunswick.
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