WorkSafe Nova Scotia: New Resources Available to Employers for GPI

WorkSafe Nova scotia
The latest edition of Safe and Secure is now available. In this edition, you’ll find a link to our new RTW toolkits for workers and employers, which offer step-by-step advice on how to achieve safe and timely return to work after physical and psychological injury.
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WorkSafeBC holds preliminary average base premium rate flat for employers in 2025

Eighth straight year that the average base rate will be 1.55 percent WorkSafeBC announced today that the preliminary average base premium rate for 2025 will remain unchanged at 1.55 percent of employers’ assessable payroll. Subject to final approvals by WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors
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Accident ayant causé la mort d’un travailleur de l’entreprise Ferme Noël Maheux et fils inc. : la CNESST dévoile les conclusions de son enquête

La Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) rend aujourd’hui publiques les conclusions de son enquête sur l’accident ayant coûté la vie à un travailleur de l’entreprise Ferme Noël Maheux et fils inc., le 8 décembre 2023, au 737, rang Saint-
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La CSTIT va mettre en place deux montants distincts du Maximum annuel de rémunération assurable aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest et au Nunavut

Yellowknife, T.N.-O. (Le 11 juillet 2024) – À partir du 1er janvier 2025, la Commission de la sécurité au travail et de l’indemnisation des travailleurs (CSTIT) instaurera deux montants distincts du Maximum annuel de rémunération assurable (MARA) aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest et au Nu
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WSCC Introduces Separate Year’s Maximum Insurable Remuneration for Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Yellowknife, NT (July 11, 2024) – The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) will introduce two distinct Year’s Maximum Insurable Remuneration (YMIR) values for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, effective January 1, 2025.
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CNESST: Privilégier la prévention en période de récoltes

Étant donné l’ampleur de la tâche à effectuer, la période des récoltes est particulièrement exigeante pour le secteur de l’agriculture. Consciente de cette réalité, la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) tient à rappeler aux employeurs
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Musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) driving time-loss claims with WorkSafeBC

MSIs have resulted in more than $2 billion in claim costs in the last five years WorkSafeBC is drawing attention to the impact of musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) in B.C. workplaces and the need for employers to reduce the risks of these injuries.
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WCB of Nova Scotia: New mental health service providers hired to help support GPI claims

WorkSafe Nova scotia
HALIFAX, NS – WCB Nova Scotia has secured three new and essential mental health and wellness service provider agreements, as they prepare to protect workers and employers in our province from more types of workplace injury starting this September.
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WCB of PEI: Enhanced Compensation for Psychological Injuries

The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of PEI is pleased to share that it will be broadening compensation coverage to include psychological injuries that result from work-related harassment. This change will take effect January 1, 2025.
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WorkSafeBC: Employers must protect workers from heat-related illnesses and UV exposure

Both indoor and outdoor workers can be at risk from the heat. With hot temperatures forecast across B.C. in the days ahead, WorkSafeBC is reminding employers to safeguard workers from the risks associated with heat and UV exposure.
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