Working with its partners, the WCB promotes safe and healthy workplaces, facilitates recovery and return to work, provides compassionate and supportive compensation services for workers and employers, and ensures responsible financial stewardship. As part of this commitment, the WCB has created the Research and Workplace Innovation Program (RWIP) to promote and fund projects related to prevention of occupational injuries, diseases and return to work of injured or ill workers.
RWIP Program Changes for 2020
The invitation to apply for funding under the Research and Workplace Innovation Program (RWIP) normally issued earlier in the year has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual call for applications will now take place on August 31 2020.
In addition, RWIP has recently undergone an external review. This review is conducted every five years to assess the program’s deliverables as well as its alignment with the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba’s (WCB’s) strategic goals and vision. As a result of recommendations arising from the review, the program has been refreshed to ensure that contributions support the WCB’s mandate and long-term vision.
The following program changes have been made:
– elimination of the scientific research stream
– a resulting change in annual grant funding from $1 million to $600,000
RWIP 2020 Call for Applications
The WCB is now accepting applications for funding under RWIP. The RWIP funds projects that contribute to the prevention of workplace injuries and illness, and to the safe and productive return to work of injured or ill workers. RWIP projects are funded under two streams:
- Training and Education
- Workplace Innovation
Generally, each project would be up to two years in duration and funded to a maximum of $100,000 each year.
To be considered for funding, all applications must be received by the WCB no later than 4:00 p.m. CST on October 30, 2020.
Source: WCB Manitoba