WCB Nova Scotia is pleased to have been selected as a Top Atlantic Canada Employer by Mediacorp for the 12th time since the award’s inception in 2010. The designation recognizes employers that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work.
The honour is particularly rewarding after a difficult and challenging year. Like other employers, the WCB’s experience in 2020 was marked by change and resilience.
“This honour could not have been possible without the contributions every single one of our employees made every day toward supporting workers and employers in Nova Scotia,” said Stuart MacLean, CEO, WCB Nova Scotia. “I could not be more proud of the way they have worked to stay focused and engaged, while keeping themselves and others safe in a year like no other.”
The award was announced today in Atlantic Business Magazine. You can read WCB’s advertorial here.
Click here to learn more about why WCB Nova Scotia was chosen.
Source: WCB Nova Scotia