CCOHS: Safety and Health Week

Safety and Health Week, which takes place this year from May 6-11, is an ideal time for employers, employees, partners,...

CCOHS: Safety and Health Week

Safety and Health Week, which takes place this year from May 6-11, is an ideal time for employers, employees, partners, and the public to focus on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home, and in the community.

Starting on May 6, you’re invited to join our virtual activities to celebrate Safety and Health Week. Sign up for free, live, online sessions kicking off with our National Launch.

The week will continue with thought provoking sessions on trans and non-binary inclusion and plain language practices. Let’s come together to learn how we can create safe, thriving workplaces and communities.

Live French audio interpretation will be available for all sessions.

For ideas on how you can celebrate and to access tools and resources to help you plan and promote your events, visit the national Safety and Health Week website.

If you’d like to watch the recordings of the 2023 sessions, check out our playlist.

More info: CCOHS

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